The NSBA Western Show Team World Championship offers competition for both Sr High and Jr High school student riders with awards provided for Individuals and Teams. Competition guidelines allow teams to be formed providing they are currently part of an organized show team. (YEDA teams are included)
Eligibility Team Divisions High School Division – grades 9-12 and Middle School Division – grades 5-8
Individual Classes Seven Western Horsemanship and two Ranch Riding classes will be held in a two-go-round format on Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th. The High School Division will offer four Horsemanship classes and a Ranch Riding class each to compete in a two-go-round format. The Middle School Division will offer three Horsemanship classes and a Ranch Riding class each to compete in a two-go-round format. For additional rules and details click the link below
For More Information Visit NSBA’s website:
Hotel Information:
Your window for booking YEDA rooms is closing in and we have your deadline for booking as AUGUST 2, 2019.
Rooms WILL go quickly, so please secure your space now at your YEDA rate!
For anyone needing additional rooms outside of 8/15-8/18, please contact hotel directly!