Judge Pete McAlister
The YEDA National Championship Invitational gives student/riders nationwide the opportunity to qualify for the YEDA National Championship Show.
National-Championship-Showbill-2020 National-Championship-Showbill-2020
- An invitation to compete will be offered to the highest ranked rider in each class from each state that they are not already qualified for nationals.
- The winner of each individual class at the invitational will be allowed to compete on Saturday April 27, 2019 as an individual at the YEDA National Championship show.
- The student rider must be residing and attending school in the state they qualified as an individual student rider and be in good standing with YEDA.
- The student rider can be a member of any team located in any state and be in good standing. The rider’s home address will be used to determine their qualifying state.
- Invitations will be sent out via email to both the rider and their coach the first week of April, 2019. The rider and coach will have 48 hours to accept the invitation or pass it along to the next highest ranked rider from the state which they reside.
- Entry fees will be $70 per class
- Coaches must either bring horses to cover their rides for the invitational or pay the $20 rented ride fee.
- The winner of each invitational class will be entered as an individual in the corresponding class at the National Championship show on Saturday April 27, 2019 for the entry fee of $50.
- For the advancing riders the rented ride fee of $20 still applies if their coach did not bring horses to be used in Saturdays show.
- All YEDA rules and regulations apply to the invitational as they would the National Championship show.
- The invitational will be judged by one qualified judge not judging the YEDA National Championship Show.
- The National Steward will make any ruling on extenuating circumstances to do with student rider qualifications
- Patterns for the invitational will be different from those patterns used at the National Championship Show
Patterns: All Classes Pattern # 8
Pattern Book can be found at
Interested in sponsoring a class? Sponsoring a class is a great way to show your support to your favorite YEDA rider! Contact Ric Weitzel.
Forms Coming Soon.
For more information please contact Jenna Kingery