Friday, December 7th at 7:30 pm before the YEDA ‘Twas the Show Before Christmas show there will be a Ranch Riding clinic with NRHA/AQHA professional horse trainer and University of Findlay Western Equestrian Program Instructor, Clark Bradley. Mr. Bradley had over 50 years of training experience and has been teaching at the University of Findlay for 30 years. He had judged and conducted clinics all over the world, and coached the University of Findlay IHSA Western Equestrian Team to 6 National Championship Titles! He has extensive experience in Reining and Ranch Riding with Congress Champion and Reservice Championship titles, and AQHA World Championship Top Ten in the Ranch Riding Finals.
The clinic is free and open to all. The clinic will focus on the YEDA’s new class Ranch Riding with UF college students riding the patterns while Mr. Bradley discusses them. You do not want to miss this! We are going to offer a paid meal (pizza) option for the Clinic.
Those who are bringing horses, we can not move into to Findlay until 5 pm, because their finals horse show for the University of Findlay is on Friday. So we have to allow the University of Findlay to complete their classes before we can move in. Also, horses in the “send your horse to college program” will be leaving on Friday and those are the stalls that we will be using, so we have to give those horses time to move out. The clinic starts at 7:30 pm. We recognize that this is a small window of time to take care of everything and get dinner. So we are working with a local pizza place to provide pizza.